Mathematic Fomulars
The mathematical typesetting is based on LaTeX, so if you need to search for the way to make a particular symbol, include latex
in your search. But note: Not all LaTeX macros are available without using additional packages, and those packages likely will only work if you are creating a PDF. On the plus side, if you are working in PDF, you can use additional packages that give much better control and/or easier syntax.
This article is about the basics about math symbols in Latex.
Greek Letters
αA | $\alpha A$ | νN | $\nu N$ |
βB | $\beta B$ | ξΞ | $\xi\Xi$ |
γΓ | $\gamma \Gamma$ | oO | $o O$ (omicron) |
δΔ | $\delta \Delta$ | πΠ | $\pi \Pi$ |
ϵεE | $\epsilon \varepsilon E$ | ρϱP | $\rho\varrho P$ |
ζZ | $\zeta Z \sigma \,\!$ | ΣΣ | $\sigma \Sigma$ |
ηH | $\eta H$ | τT | $\tau T$ |
θϑ | $\theta \vartheta \Theta$ | υΥ | $\upsilon \Upsilon$ |
ιI | $\iota I$ | ϕφΦ | $\phi \varphi \Phi$ |
κK | $\kappa K$ | χX | $\chi X$ |
λΛ | $\lambda \Lambda$ | ψΨ | $\psi \Psi$ |
μM | $\mu M$ | ωΩ | $\omega \Omega$ |
Symbol | Script |
$\cos$ | \cos |
$\sin$ | \sin |
$\lim$ | \lim |
$\exp$ | \exp |
$\to$ | \to |
$\infty$ | \infty |
$\equiv$ | \equiv |
$\bmod$ | \bmod |
$\times$ | \times |
Power and Indices
Symbol | Script |
$k_{n+1}$ | k_{n+1} |
$n^2$ | n^2 |
$k_n^2$ | k_n^2 |
Fractions and Binomials
Symbol | Script |
$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ | \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} |
$\binom{n}{k}$ | \binom{n}{k} |
$\frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y}$ | \frac{\frac{x}{1}}{x - y} |
$^3/_7$ | ^3/_7 |
Symbol | Script |
$\sqrt{k}$ | \sqrt{k} |
$\sqrt[n]{k}$ | \sqrt[n]{k} |
Sums and Integrals
$\int a^4 tan^2t sec^3t dt$
Symbol | Script |
$\sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i$ | \sum_{i=1}^{10} t_i |
$\int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x}\mathrm{d}x$ | \int_0^\infty \mathrm{e}^{-x}\mathrm{d}x |
$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) ; dx$ | \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) ; dx |
$\left. F(x) \right | _{a}^{b}$ |
$\sum$ | \sum |
$\prod$ | \prod |
$\coprod$ | \coprod |
$\implies$ | \implies |
$\bigoplus$ | \bigoplus |
$\bigotimes$ | \bigotimes |
$\bigodot$ | \bigodot |
$\bigcup$ | \bigcup |
$\bigcap$ | \bigcap |
$\biguplus$ | \biguplus |
$\bigsqcup$ | \bigsqcup |
$\bigvee$ | \bigvee |
$\vee$ | \vee |
$\bigwedge$ | \bigwedge |
$\wedge$ | \wedge |
$\int$ | \int |
$\oint$ | \oint |
$\iint$ | \iint |
$\iiint$ | \iiint |
$\idotsint$ | \idotsint |
$\sum_{\substack{0<i<m,0<j<n}} P(i, j)$ | \sum_{\substack{0<i<m,0<j<n}} P(i, j) |
$\int\limits_a^b$ | \int\limits_a^b |
Symbol | Script |
$a’$ $a^{\prime}$ | a` a^{\prime} |
$a’’$ | a’’ |
$\hat{a}$ | hat{a} |
$\bar{a}$ | \bar{a} |
$\grave{a}$ | \grave{a} |
$\acute{a}$ | \acute{a} |
$\stackrel{·}{\sim}$ | \dot{a} |
$\ddot{a}$ | \ddot{a} |
$\not{a}$ | \not{a} |
$\mathring{a}$ | \mathring{a} |
$\overrightarrow{AB}$ | \overrightarrow{AB} |
$\overleftarrow{AB}$ | \overleftarrow{AB} |
$a’’’$ | a’’’ |
$\overline{aaa}$ | \overline{aaa} |
$\check{a}$ | \check{a} |
$\vec{a}$ | \vec{a} |
$\underline{a}$ | \underline{a} |
$\color{red}x$ | \color{red}x |
$\pm$ | \pm |
$\mp$ | \mp |
$\int y \mathrm{d}x$ | \int y \mathrm{d}x |
$,$ | , |
$:$ | : |
$;$ | ; |
$!$ | ! |
$\int y, \mathrm{d}x$ | \int y, \mathrm{d}x |
$\dots$ | \dots |
$\ldots$ | \ldots |
$\cdots$ | \cdots |
$\vdots$ | \vdots |
$\ddots$ | \ddots |
Brackets etc
Symbol | Script |
$(a)$ | (a) |
$[a]$ | [a] |
${a}$ | {a} |
$\langle f \rangle$ | \langle f \rangle |
$\lfloor f \rfloor$ | \lfloor f \rfloor |
$\lceil f \rceil$ | \lceil f \rceil |
$\ulcorner f \urcorner$ | \ulcorner f \urcorner |
Aligning equations
use \begin{align*} … \end{align*}. Separate lines with \\
and use &
to mark where things should line up.
| $\begin{align*}
a & = b \\
X &\sim {\sf Norm}(10, 3) \\
5 & \le 10
a & = b \
X &\sim {\sf Norm}(10, 3) \
5 & \le 10